Dear All, It seems true that roundup has many undocumented properties on productivity in various domains :-) My apologies for having starting a thread which topic was somehow remote from that of the forum. I did so thinking that bulb growers might have experienced roundup enough to share observations about the specific weed, and that the roundup question was also among those concerning bulbs cultivation. Nhu, I do not understand what it would bring to have soil spayed vs. not in pots, but scientific cosmetics. In situ, it is enough to simply systematically observe that Cardamine population follows the limits of the spraying, systematically in treated spots, and doubtly due to soil differences or seeds density. Running an experimental design including alternative (non-glyphosate based) systemic herbicides compared to roundup and control would be interesting though. But I'm not going to engage this kind of research, since it would not bring easy answers about the mechanisms behind any effect. From governemental databases, it seems that byproducts of roundup exist with not so short a life duration as advertised. One of these compounds may have some hormonal-like effect specifically on Cardamine hirsuta seeds germination, as suggested. Is this effect resulting from gene pollution in this species or not is another level of questions. Maybe, having talked publicly about this case on your forum will benefitly attract attention and induce additional research ? Thanks a lot - looking forward for more fruitful discussions on this forum. *Dr. Christian M. Lachaud, PhD* _________________