Will you share with the BX when dormant? Rimmer On Apr 25, 2013, at 6:15 PM, Judy Glattstein <jgglatt@gmail.com> wrote: > So I drove back across the river today and dug about 3 clumps. Either > someone is picking the flowers or some critter is eating the flowers > because there were fewer in bloom. My timing was good as the ground > cover of poison ivy is sending forth its deep red leaves . . . . . > > I walked around a bit. This must have been a wonderful property at one > time, and as real estate agents love to say "it has potential." The > Delaware River is visible from two different sides of the house as the > water curves around a bit. There is a debilitated brick / concrete > walled garden in back, brick pillars, curved top. Concrete spalling and > falling off. More poison ivy, more Scilla, more daffodils, one scrawny > hyacinth with a deeper pink stripe on pink petals. Didn't see anything > else of note - no bearded iris, no peonies, etc. > > The plywood nailed over windows and doors is weathered to silver gray. I > noticed that one window has the bottom right corner of the plywood > gnawed off - squirrels? raccoons? have a veritable palace to inhabit. > > Separated the bulbs, even salvaging a couple of single leaf seedlings - > if I dug it, I feel honor bound to give it a chance. Good thing I > restrained myself because as it was there were numerous bulbs. Will give > them a day to settle into their numerous pots and then begin dilute > liquid feed to plump them up. > > "Salvage" is a good word, don't you think? If the police had come by > that's what I was going to say. > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > pbs@lists.ibiblio.org > http://pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php > http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/