Gifting your neighbors

Fri, 26 Apr 2013 07:55:47 PDT
I've been gathering native plant seed for propagation purpose at our nursery for 25 years. Mostly trees , shrubs, perennials on easements and public lands. Iv'e also met some fine people just by stopping in and introducing myself and chatting about my mission. I always offer in exchange plants from our catalog. Last week, I collecting willow seed on a private tract, I noticed the owner had a grassy wet meadow that goes un-mowed until summer. Hmmmm. I'm thinking perhaps he might let me plant some wet habit Camas, Triteilla, and Lily species and let me collect seed?

A few years ago, my daughter and I were seed collecting a mat forming Ceanothus (prostratus) along a roadside easement passing through commercial timberland near Goldendale, Wa., The sheriff stopped by and informed us if we were picking a few feet into the unfenced private property he would have ticket us for trespassing. I think he was merely curious about what we up to and chatted with us for about 45 minutes. He told us a story about busting collectors who were harvesting on private ranch land with a crew and truck without permission. Arrested and truck confiscated! 

Anyway, later in the day we were passing through a small town about 30 miles away and were stopped by a deputy for speeding. He was writing out a ticket and here comes the sheriff talks to the deputy who then let us go without a ticket. 

I pick the Ceanothus every year or 2 in the same spot and always pick about midmorning to be sure to cross paths with my friend the sheriff. 

Rich Haard
Bellingham, Wa

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