Ellen wrote: "To those who requested seed directly: I will send what I can to the seedex, but I'm not interested in custom collecting." Here in Maryland, seed of Symplocarpus foetidus ripen in November and a visit to the wild plants then will generally find the stumps of the old inflorescence surrounded by big brownish seeds (about the size of a shelled hazel nut). By now those seeds have probably already germinated, and the roots go deep quickly in my experience. But collecting such germinated seeds might be the easiest way of collecting plants - and such germinated seeds do not post the storage problems fresh seed does. The newly ripened seeds are notoriously hard to store for even brief periods. And the crowns of mature plants are attached to a dead man's leg of a root system - bring your back hoe if you want to attempt it. Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where Asphodelus acaulis, the early fritillaries, tulips, hyacinths, muscari, corydalis and loads of other things are blooming.