Cardamine bulbifera

Tue, 09 Apr 2013 12:47:11 PDT
Dear Kathleen and All,
I would love to help on that score but it is not a local plant here.
It was more frequent in the Chiltern Hills in England were I used to live.
I did put it in my former garden in an out of the way place with Hyacinthoides non-scripta.
They are both prolific plants here.
I never have seen it in our local woods.
I can get stock from a wild-flower nursery but it will not be a selection.
It might be easier for others who have acces to wild populations?
I would be very wary introducing this plant to another country though!
I much prefer the californian cardamines you have been taling about!
There are some really beautiful ones from eastern Europe too, which I must try one day.
Kind regards,

> Message du 09/04/13 19:58
> De : "Kathleen Sayce" 

> Objet : [pbs]  Cardamine bulbifera
> Mark Brown wrote: In northern Europe we have Cardamine bulbifera which can be a beautiful plant.
> Some forms however seem to insist on just producing bulbils and more bulbils instead of flowers.
> So, could PBS members in Europe help find and distribute good forms (flower producers) to this group? 
> Kathleen 

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