ID requested for Trillium cf. chloropetalum

David Ehrlich
Tue, 02 Apr 2013 19:02:44 PDT

T. angustipetalum occurs on the coast, but generally south of the Redwoods.  It 
is found in San Luis Obiso and Santa Barbara Counties, while Redwoods don’t 
really extend south of Monterey County.  T. chloropetalum on the other hand 
inhabits the coastal counties where Redwoods are common.  The CalFlora maps go 
by county; they’re very coarse grained.   A plant reported at the southern edge 
of a long North-South County and another at the northern border doesn’t imply 
that they overlap.  I doubt that you’d find T. angustipetalum in any of the 
Redwood parks – except – T. kurabayshii is considered a form of T. 
angustifolium, and it is found in Humboldt County north, along with the tallest 
David E.
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