Hydrogen peroxide

Jadeboy48@aol.com Jadeboy48@aol.com
Fri, 05 Apr 2013 03:36:10 PDT
With some very expensive plants ( In the 500$ range+) that had rot problems 
 at the nursery we unpotted the plant, scraped off as much rotten tissue as 
 possible then dusted it with flowers of sulfur. It is just powered sulfur 
and  can be found at most drug stores. It kills almost all fungi it hits.Let 
the  plant stay dry to let the rotten area heal. It is very safe and has 
been used on  people for several thousand years to kill germs. Russ H.
PS Do you know what it would cost in hydrogen peroxide to treat a large  
area. This is not a practical solution.Was the speaker smoking cannabis before 
 the lecture. I have to admit I have heard some crazy ideas but this really 
is  the top. Are you sure it wasn't an April fool joke on the audience. If 
this  speaker gave out any literature proving his thesis could you please 
send me a  copy. I will gladly pay for all the costs. Just remember how fast 
peroxide  breaks down into water and oxygen if you pour it on a cut. The 
minute it would  hit the dirt it would break down/ within seconds.
In a message dated 4/5/2013 2:22:47 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
brian.whyer@btinternet.com writes:

>As for  carbon and oxygen sources - a local soil scientist in a lecture 
told a group  of
>us to consider adding sugar and 3% hydrogen peroxide to irrigation  water 
for fruit trees
>and lawns. He said it encouraged growth of  beneficial microorganisms. The 
>were small: per irrigated  acre / 0.4 hecatare, about 1 cup / 240ml 
granulated sugar (I
>know it  isn't measured that way in SI but I don't feel like looking up 
the density  of
>granulated sugar) and 1 pint / 480ml 3% hydrogen  peroxide.
>Is there any point in using hydrogen peroxide  (H2O2) when watering plants 
in soil that contains appreciable quantities  of organics. I would have 
thought the oxygen would be soon mopped up, and not  be available to plants, 
unless in large excess. Hydroponics growers use it  with good results I 
http://quickgrow.com/gardening_articles/… but  the larger the concentration of organic compounds (Carbon 
containing, not  chemical free!) the bigger the problem.
>Has anyone used  H2O2 in watering to recover difficult bulbs, eg. Worsleya 
, from root  rots?
>Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, England, coldest April day  since 1962
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