
Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Sat, 13 Apr 2013 09:21:17 PDT
Lisa may be mixing up the two sorts of Lewisia species, the evergreen 
and the deciduous.

At 05:09 AM 4/13/2013, you wrote:

>I know in the summer they go dormant.   Would I just entirely skip watering
>during this time?  If they were planted in the ground; they wouldn't dry out
>(I think), so perhaps a light misting directly over the tuber once a month
>during this time would be ok?

The commonly grown L. cotyledon and L. tweedyi (which has been under 
discussion) are evergreen. Tweedyi goes semi-dormant in winter. Some 
species, such as L. brachycalyx, L. nevadensis, and L. oppositifolia, 
are summer-dormant. They do not have "tubers." The storage organ is 
an enlarged, partly underground stem known as a caudex. In many but 
not all species, these caudexes (or caudices) multiply as the plant 
ages, and it can be lifted and propagated by division.

I have always grown the deciduous species with my summer-dry bulbs, 
under cover, but I planted some L. nevadensis seedlings on the rock 
garden a couple of years ago, and they are flowering this spring.

Evergreen species in the Pacific Northwest should be planted where 
there is extremely good drainage, such as in a pocket of a dry stone 
wall. Some people have good success with L. tweedyi west of the 
mountains (it is native east of the Cascades, in a much drier area) 
by planting it within the drip line of a large conifer.

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA

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