After Gastil's post I found this:… So it seems that they think they have T. chloropetalum. A couple of years ago a friend and I tried to key out some Trillium we thought were T. chloropetalum after adding them to the wiki under that name and getting an email saying we were wrong. We used three keys and found nothing matched perfectly, but finally decided that what we were seeing was probably Trillium albidum. There was a lot of variation in the populations and some of the flowers were pink. I'll include what I wrote afterwards showing how challenging it is sometimes to come up with a correct identification from a photo and even when you have the plant in front of you. Often photos don't show the important identifying features. "Flora of the Sonoma County key: Flowers with portion of the filament joining the 2 cells of an anther greenish; filament usually green, sometimes purple, anther dehiscence lateral; tepals white (rarely purple basally) to pink -- T. albidum Flowers with stamens and anthers purple throughout; anther dehiscence turned inward; tepals varying from purple to yellow or white -- T. chloropetalum Flowers in the first one we looked at from one population had purple filaments and the direction of the anthers was a bit uncertain. They didn't really look lateral, but weren't entirely turned inward either. Flowers in a second population several people have been sure was T. chloropetalum also had purple filaments. These anthers turned inward. The anthers were not purple however in either population. They were greenish. Plants of the SF Bay region key: Petals whitish, yellowish, or dark purple; fruiting portion of pistil purplish; top of the filaments between the anther sacs purplish -- Trillium chloropetalum Petals white to pink; fruiting portion of pistil usually green, but sometimes slightly tinged with purple, tip of filaments, between the anther sacs, green -- Trilium albidum In both populations the fruiting portion of the pistil was purplish and the top of the filaments purple Jepson (this was before the new version came out): Ovary and tissue between anther sacs greenish; petals white to pink (base sometimes purplish) - T. albidum Ovary and tissue between anther sacs purple; petals yellow to purple, sometimes white - T. chloropetalum The tissue between anthers sacs was greenish, not purple. However, the ovaries of one of the populations were green and the ovaries of the other population were purple, except for four plants with green ovaries. This was a very large population of plants and only the four plants had green ovaries, but it made us wonder if the color of the ovary was really a defining characteristic. The descriptions in Jepson says that sometimes T. albidum can have purplish ovaries." We consulted a friend who had recently worked on this same issue in another part of Sonoma county and she said she thought the color of the anther sacs was the crucial character. After we figured out what the anther sacs were, we found there were green so concluded that they were both T. albidum even though the one population had always been identified at T. chloropetalum. So the identification of the flowers got changed on the wiki. I never got around to adding my photos that showed some of this more clearly, but I should do so one of these days. However, I shared this with another plant expert in our area and he shared a quote from someone from the Jepson Herbarium that I really like: "just because something keys to something, it doesn't mean it is that something!" Mary Sue