New PBS Record ? and bulbs

Sat, 06 Apr 2013 13:03:41 PDT
Hi Ina,

I am just planting today with the hopes that warm weather will really come
someday!  Do you know about how long it took your Moreas to come up?  


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Ina
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2013 12:00 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: Re: [pbs] New PBS Record ? and bulbs

Oh YES James.  I just finished up deleting and deletingtoo.

As for bulbs, here it is the end of the summer season, today autumn started
officially. Several of the seeds I sowed last year,went dormant, now are
coming up again.  Why is it such a delight to see this happening?  The
miracle of these tiny bulbs surviving and now with new life?  Babianas and
Moreas grown from seed from the BX.

Ina Crossley
Auckland New Zealand  Zone 10

On 7/04/2013 6:43 a.m., James Waddick wrote:
> Dear PBS ers and the rest of you who shall remain nameless,
> 	I usually delate extraneous and 'me too' messages after reading
them, but rarely I will delete a message without opening if the subject is
not of interest.
> 	During the last week I am sure I reached A NEW RECORD  in deleting
message without opening and reading them. I won't repeat subjects that
warranted deleting, but there were a few.
> 	How about a BULB topic ? What's blooming? Cultivation questions?
Let's get a on a good old track of messages- bulbs.  A new week is about to
start , let's restart the forum.
> 					Frustrated 		Jim W.
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