I have had a number of small South African irids flower for the first time this spring. I think they must be Hesperantha and Moraea because they are finished by the time I get home from work. One looks like it was purple or blue and two look like they were yellow. One was bright pink. I also have about a dozen Albuca clanwilliamgloria from seed, flowering for the first time this year in a large container. I am 5' 10" / 180cm and they are taller than I. Out of compassion for my pride I won't tell you how long it took because they had several years of dreadful care. I went to do some hand pollination and it looks like they pollinate themselves. The pistils are held right between the anthers and are loaded with pollen. Interestingly Albuca navicula set almost no seed this year though I had seven inflorescences from three plants. Leo Martin Phoenix Arizona USA