Paul, I would suggest T. whittallii as a good candidate to try. I don't have more than a year of experience with it, but it is robust and blooming at full height without any pre-chilling. Other species types which ended up dwindling showed a tendency to go dormant early and have short bloom stems. T bakeri or saxatilis (not sure which is correct) "Lilac Wonder" is a dependable performer here in Los Gatos CA. I just wish it would set seed. T clusiana and variants are good also, but the candy stripe hybrids (eg Lady Jane) are somewhat disappointing as the red-pink is more of a pink-white... I have seedlings of clusiana which have not bloomed yet, but at least they are fertile. The true saxatilis (yellow flower) has never done well here. Chad Schroter -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of contact Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 1:04 PM To: Pacific Bulb Society Subject: Re: [pbs] Bay area Tulipa Bonjour Paul, Nice to hear about your tulip interest. Over the last 20 years we have selected to the species adapted for our méditerranean gardens in a climat which is similar to yours. Typical meditanean species show their leaves early in January and generally flower in February and March. For some unknown reason all Tulips are in flower now. All types of T clusiana do well here, T saxastilis Lilac wonder, T cretica, T linifolia, T orphanidea, praecox, agenense, vvede'nskyi For more details please see:… I have some doubts about T tarda, turkestanica (with some clients they are OK), aucheriana, humilis Kind greetings Lauw de Jager South of France -----Original Message-----. Likely candidates are T. bakeri, saxatilis, batalini, and linifolia. ________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: The information contained in this electronic mail message is intended only for the use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this message in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender by telephone or e-mail (as shown above) immediately and destroy any and all copies of this message in your possession (whether hard copies or electronically stored copies).