Here in the Chilterns I have not noticed any that are particularly showy or stand out from the rest, and I am unlikely to notice the opposite. All of those in my garden produce bulbils in almost every leaf axil. They vary in size from ~2mm to 6mm diameter. From memory it is the second years growth that starts to flower. Never noticed any seed, but then I have not looked for it. My original plant came from a friend in another part of the country, I don't know where it came from before that. I will try to see if any look special in a couple of months time when it will be in flower. Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, England, zone ~8 ish > I would love to help on that score but it is not a local plant here. > It was more frequent in the Chiltern Hills in England were I used to live. > I did put it in my former garden in an out of the way place with Hyacinthoides > non-scripta. > They are both prolific plants here. > I never have seen it in our local woods.