You could get a clean oil drum/fill with wet soil.Heat in pit type campfire till steam emerges from the soil and a candy thermometer reaches 175 degrees when placed in the center of the soil mass. Comercial grower buy electric sterilizer that cook the soil till it is pest free. Look online for a large supplier of agricultural equipment. It does smell like cooking dirt so don't do it next to you house or when your spouse is throwing a party-Russ H You can get an old turkey roasting pan/fill with potting mix and heat in oven.It does work. Smells pretty bad. In a message dated 4/3/2013 12:39:42 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes: Did any try to heat small amounts of potting mixture to heat in the microwave ?? are there some other ways to sterilise potting mixture in smaller quantities for example 50 litre Roland 2013/4/3 <>: Yes, sterilising soil with steam is an excellent idea. R de Boer La Maugardiere 1 F 27260 EPAIGNES FRANCE Phone./Fax 0033-232-576-204 Email: Facebook:… _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list