Kathy Andersen would know better how much moisture to give species Narcissus during an Atlantic coast summer. Since the summers on the Pacific coast are dry, I don't know how much atmospheric humidity affects the soil. Also, I don't know whether Arnold is using plastic or clay pots -- I always used clay. That said, I think the best guide to summer moisture is native habitat. You can find out about this in John Blanchard's book about Narcissus species. I wouldn't dry out the ones that come from moist meadow habitats, for instance. I now have two raised beds in my bulb house, one watered occasionally, lightly, in summer and the other left unirrigated. In the latter bed I have only Narcissus cantabricus, N. romieuxii, N. (rupicola ssp.) watieri, and a Moroccan N. bulbocodium. They are doing very well in their third spring in that site. However, the soil moisture is more constant, even if residual, once the pots are not present. The other Narcissus species are in the modestly irrigated side. Quite a few that were extras when I moved the collection ended up in the rock garden and (!) the lawn. Some that are growing well in these open situations are N. rupicola, N. assoanus, N. calcicola, N. triandrus, and N. jonquilla ssp. jonquilla. The rock garden ones get little if any summer irrigation, but those in turf have to put up with weekly watering. At my old garden, which has not been watered in summer for two years, I noticed N. calcicola and N. triandrus flowering well last week, along with several Fritillaria species that got left behind. The property is finally selling, and I think the new owners will enjoy all the little spring surprises. Jane McGary Portland, Oregon, USA At 05:52 PM 4/7/2013, you wrote: > Thanks Jane, you had mentioned once before here that there were > some of these that required year round moisture. > >I've let them sit in the greenhouse in a gravel sand plunge >experiencing the wrath of NYC summers. > >Which should get moisture during dormancy? > > >Arnold