In the greenhouse today, I found a short piece of a Clivia leaf with a plantlet on it. It was a piece of a leaf, about 4 inches long, that some how became buried in the soil that was kept on my potting bench. It's a piece of leaf, from near the base, but the plant is growing on the long edge of the green part- very odd- sorry for not being too scientific, here). This which surprised me. After a little snooping on-line, it seems there has been some chatter about Clivia from leaf cuttings, but I had no idea. I have a great photo of it, but not sure where I can post it. I have propagated many bulblets on Lachenalia, but never on an Amaryllid. I was going to post this to the PBS Facebook page, but it appears that I cannot. Matt Mattus Worcester, MA USDA Zone 5b > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > >