Worsleya problems

Leo A. Martin leo@possi.org
Mon, 01 Apr 2013 06:21:51 PDT
Hello All,

I bought one of the above a few years ago. I must have received one of the self-fertile
clones; the thing blooms and sets seed several times yearly. It also offsets the way
Hippeastrum striatum does. I have it planted on a bark raft in my carport.

My problem is that the pods usually open while I'm at work, and the seed blows away.
They sprout on just about every surface, completely covering the big saguaro in my front
yard to the point I'm worried it won't have enough photosynthetic tissue exposed. Lately
they are growing on the electric cables, the way I have seen ball moss grow in southern
Texas or even here in Arizona (Tillandsia recurvata, not a bulb, sorry for the off-topic
mention but it helps you visualize what I'm talking about.)

Anyway, my local utility Salt River Project http://www.srp.net/ has left a door hanger at
my house telling me their cables are at risk of breaking due to the weight of the
epiphytes on them, and directing me to remove them or they will take legal action. There
are too many to remove by hand, so I have tried Round-Up, but it seems not to be too
effective. Can anybody suggest a better herbicide? Plus, I don't want to spray Round-Up
on my big saguaro.


Leo Martin
Phoenix Arizona USA

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