I have refrained from commenting on the Cardamine threads since there are so many posts lately and when I was the list administrator I noticed that a lot of people starting dropping out when that happened (and when people kept including all the previous messages which makes it so hard for digest subscribers) which is also happening. Nhu gave the link to the wiki Cardamine page with pictures of the form of Cardamine californica I have in my garden. The flowers aren't spectacular, but since it is one of the first wildflowers ever year to appear I'm fond of it. But what I really love are the colorful leaves, all different. It's a form that grows naturally in the Mendocino Sonoma Coast (where I live.) http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… It does appear here and there in some parts of my often shady and somewhat wild garden and then as Kathleen noted disappears for much of the year. Where my biggest patch of it grows is under my redwoods with these companions: Lilium martimum, Viola sempivirens, Chlorogalum pomeridianum, Vaccinium ovatum, Dicentra formosa, and Scoliopus bigelovii. Not far from this in an area that gets a bit but not much more sun is some Trillium ovatum and some Maianthemum stellatum. So this is a native area of my garden. It's the Chlorogalum that is taking over (once I fenced it from the deer.) And yes there is some pesty annual Cardamine there too and some grasses. Strangely the Oxalis oregana that I planted there which is usually found as a carpet under redwoods (where not a lot grows easily) struggles in the same area. Mary Sue