Paeonia mlokosewitschii

Jim McKenney
Wed, 24 Apr 2013 07:18:24 PDT
I can't answer Jane's question about the color of her Paeonia mlokosewitschii, but I can empathize with her about the variable color. Right now in my garden the complex Saunders' hybrid 'Roselette's Child' is blooming. It's been in the garden for six years, and the color has been different each year. This hybrid includes mlokosewitschii, tenuifolia and lactiflora in its background. The weather turned cool just as the first buds were opening, and this year for the first time the flowers are actually yellow, something I have never seen in this clone. Rightly or wrongly, I attribute this to the cool temperatures (nights in the low 40s F, days barely up into the 60s F). 

Jim McKenney

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