Dear Friends, About 15 years ago I moved my entire garden miles away from its mid-Kansas City location to the outer suburbs. We dug and potted thousands of plants- bulbs, trees, perennials etc.and gave away car loads of choice goodies to friends and acquaintances. Our old garden was well known for its plant treasures. Even so we had to leave some things, extras and things that just don't move well. One of these was a full size near blooming and magnificent specimen of a common fox glove. Now this is not a rare plant, but they generally do not do well here as biennials often get a lot of winter damage and don't jump up and bloom well. This just happened to be a gorgeous specimen and almost in bloom. We figure we'd leave it to bloom and perhaps be able to come back and collect seed at some later date. Well of course one night while we were in the new house, it was dug and carted away. I wondered if it survived the pilfering to bloom at all. Hope some one enjoyed their pirate bounty Of course we found many 'craters' where other plants were dug and gone - some good, some rather silly weeds etc. So it goes. Best Jim W.