Very interesting, Jim! I wondered when I should collect them - I've never gone after these before. Do you, or does anyone, know whether freshly ripened seed can be stored in damp sphagnum moss? Ellen On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Jim McKenney <>wrote: > Ellen wrote: "To those who requested seed directly: I will send what I can > to the seedex, but I'm not interested in custom collecting." > > Here in Maryland, seed of Symplocarpus foetidus ripen in November and a > visit to the wild plants then will generally find the stumps of the old > inflorescence surrounded by big brownish seeds (about the size of a shelled > hazel nut). By now those seeds have probably already germinated, and the > roots go deep quickly in my experience. But collecting such germinated > seeds might be the easiest way of collecting plants - and such germinated > seeds do not post the storage problems fresh seed does. The newly ripened > seeds are notoriously hard to store for even brief periods. And the crowns > of mature plants are attached to a dead man's leg of a root system - bring > your back hoe if you want to attempt it. > > Jim McKenney > Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where Asphodelus acaulis, > the early fritillaries, tulips, hyacinths, muscari, corydalis and loads of > other things are blooming. > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > > > -- Ellen Hornig 212 Grafton St Shrewsbury MA 01545 508-925-5147