Curly Albucas
Sun, 07 Apr 2013 23:00:24 PDT
You will have a problem because depending on growing conditions the same  
plant can look very different. I grow Albucas and A spiralis will have very  
titely curled leaves in very bright light. In lower light the color changes 
and  the spirals open up. Best bet would be to compare flower structure. Buy 
a  dissecting microsope for 100$ and dissect the flowers in water. Look at 
floral  details very carefully. There are books on Albuca which has all 
these details.  If you live in the Phoenix metro area you can contact me and I 
will loan my  scope to you for a week  (no charge of course). Russ H.
In a message dated 4/6/2013 1:56:22 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Under my  growing conditions, Albuca hallii flowers in midsummer when it is 
leafless, A.  spiralis flowers at the beginning of the growing season, as 
the leaves emerge,  and A. namaquensis at the end of the growing season,as 
the plants are starting  to go dormant.

Albuca hallii never has many leaves - usually 2 - as the  other two, and 
the leaves are grey as opposed to green, but the leaves vary  significantly 
depending on cultural conditions. There are a lot of  mis-identified images 
out there ...


> Bulbs are a newer  thing for me and I would like some help figuring out 
> how to tell the  curly leaved Albucas commonly listed as A. spiralis, A. 
> namaquensis  and A. hallii apart. As I am sure we are all aware, 
> mislabeling  plants in pictures is rampant on the internet and this has 
> caused me  a great deal of confusion. So is there there a definiative way 
> to  tell A. spiralis, A. namaquensis and A. hallii apart?

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