Scadoxus multiflorus - how to bloom?

Anders Bo Petersen
Tue, 30 Apr 2013 10:41:23 PDT
For several years I've been growing various species of Scadoxus in my window sill here in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Every year in august Scadoxus multiflorus ssp. katherinae is flowering. Compared to Scadoxus multiflorus which should be much easier to grow compared to price and availability - it's much more trickier. 
I've been told from other growers that they have exactly the same problems. I was wondering if anyone has got any suggestions what to do. Does it need a period of cooler temperature, less water - whatever?
One last thing, I would like to buy seeds of Scadoxus cyrthanthiflorus but don't know any growers.


Anders Bo Petersen
Copenhagen, Denmark

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