Roundup was Cardamine hirsuta

Thu, 04 Apr 2013 17:03:20 PDT
Jadeboy, you may just not be see or recognizing the effects of the use of
the Roundup.  


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: [pbs] Roundup was Cardamine hirsuta

Dear Aaron, your right, I have also seen tons of roundup used by  highway
departments and cities in Wisc. It has been used for years and if it was  so
incredibly deadly there would be no one alive in large parts of the US. Of
course who knows what long term results will be. 
One thing reading the letters,  is now I know why we don't meet  in one
location. I have never seen such passionate people in my life. But I  agree
that everyone has a right to an opinion and free speech is important too.
If we have a convention I think the Directors better ban all weapons from
guns to switchblades or it could be a real bloodbath-Russ
In a message dated 4/4/2013 9:57:56 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

One only  needs to explore the literature. Germination tests were done on
various weeds  in the 1970's in lab settings. Of a few things sampled, most
showed no  differences when the seeds were treated with glyphosate. 
Amaranthus  retroflexus showed increased germination. Replicate these
experiments and see  what happens with Cardamine hirsuta. More than likely,
the germination of this  plant is due to increased light.

Plants treated with glyphosate  that produced seeds showed reduced
germination and juvenile mortality --- that  variegation so prevalent in
roundup sprayed plants is seen in seedlings of  plants sprayed by it. One of
the other uses of roundup is for harvesting.  Spraying a field of
non-Ru-ready crops kills them so they can all be harvested  at once. The
seeds of these plants have roundup in them.

Another  issue with roundup is the increased susceptibility to fungal
pathogens of all  plants in areas sprayed. Lab tests have shown no effects
on growth, + or -, of  fungi though....

In my area Roundup is dumped by buckets along  road medians to kill
vegetation. Last year I saw this about 100 meters away  from the Powell
River in Tennessee.


--- On Fri,  4/5/13, lou jost <> wrote:

From: lou jost  <>
Subject: Re: [pbs] Roundup was  Cardamine  hirsuta
Date: Friday, April 5, 2013, 12:25  AM

Nhu's suggested experiment is a goods first step to answering the  question
of Roundup's effect on seeds. An actual controlled experiment is not merely
"scientific window-dressing"  but a prerequisite for reliable  discussion of
the subject. There are other factors that could be involved  rather than the
direct action of Roundup on seeds; it could be that the  suddenness of the
increase in light after spraying is the trigger, or maybe  something that
the dying grass releases after being killed by Roundup but not  after being
killed by other means, or maybe some other mechanism. There may  well be
other observations that rule out some of these other factors, but a  nice
simple experiment like Nhu's would go far towards making this a better

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