Thank you!

Johannes-Ulrich Urban
Tue, 23 Apr 2013 14:06:00 PDT
Dear Mary Sue,

Thank you for all the work and support during all those years. I
actually missed the message that you are retiring now but would like to
join into the chorus.....

I lively remember the visit at your home and garden and the tours you
made with me to show me northern Californias floral highlights. 

You have motivated me to do a 'topic of the week' in those days we used
to do that. At first I felt very shy about this but you encouraged me to
continue. Why not pick up this again? There are a lot of topics from all
over the world that can be brought to a wider attention in this forum.

And I always appreciated your straighforward and clear points of view in
very many discussions. Always constructive and friendly.

So I hope and wish you will continue to contribute to this forum! I know
you will have a lot of projects for your plants and garden.......

Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you!


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