Worsleya problems

David Boucher davbouch5@aol.com
Mon, 01 Apr 2013 15:05:08 PDT

Must be

David Boucher

On Apr 1, 2013, at 3:21 AM, "Leo A. Martin" <leo@possi.org> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I bought one of the above a few years ago. I must have received one of the self-fertile
> clones; the thing blooms and sets seed several times yearly. It also offsets the way
> Hippeastrum striatum does. I have it planted on a bark raft in my carport.
> My problem is that the pods usually open while I'm at work, and the seed blows away.
> They sprout on just about every surface, completely covering the big saguaro in my front
> yard to the point I'm worried it won't have enough photosynthetic tissue exposed. Lately
> they are growing on the electric cables, the way I have seen ball moss grow in southern
> Texas or even here in Arizona (Tillandsia recurvata, not a bulb, sorry for the off-topic
> mention but it helps you visualize what I'm talking about.)
> Anyway, my local utility Salt River Project http://www.srp.net/ has left a door hanger at
> my house telling me their cables are at risk of breaking due to the weight of the
> epiphytes on them, and directing me to remove them or they will take legal action. There
> are too many to remove by hand, so I have tried Round-Up, but it seems not to be too
> effective. Can anybody suggest a better herbicide? Plus, I don't want to spray Round-Up
> on my big saguaro.
> Thanks,
> Leo Martin
> Phoenix Arizona USA
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