Bonjour Paul, Nice to hear about your tulip interest. Over the last 20 years we have selected to the species adapted for our méditerranean gardens in a climat which is similar to yours. Typical meditanean species show their leaves early in January and generally flower in February and March. For some unknown reason all Tulips are in flower now. All types of T clusiana do well here, T saxastilis Lilac wonder, T cretica, T linifolia, T orphanidea, praecox, agenense, vvede'nskyi For more details please see:… I have some doubts about T tarda, turkestanica (with some clients they are OK), aucheriana, humilis Kind greetings Lauw de Jager South of France -----Original Message-----. Likely candidates are T. bakeri, saxatilis, batalini, and linifolia.