I think that this feature varies between forms of species and also depends a little on cultural conditions. Growing many species of tulip in pots I am very aware of the 'droppers which they produce.... Tulips such as T vvedenskyi can put themselves a long way from where they started but are not particularly prolific in terms of stolons producing multiple offsetts. I believe T stapfii may have this characteristic though... the form I grow increases steadily and may be due in part to stolons. I have two very distinct forms of T cretensis. The small pink one is slow to increase but the larger white form (which I have not had so long), is said to be stoloniferous. On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 8:34 PM, James Waddick <jwaddick@kc.rr.com> wrote: > Dear Friends, > > This is the time of year I am reminded about the above topic, > mostly du/e to T. sylvestris. I wonder if anyone else has experience - not > just catalog hype - with stoloniferous tulips. > > I think these are all stoloniferous > > T. sylvestris > T. whitttallii > T. clusiana > T. bakeri ( according to google) > > Does anyone have experience with any other species that spread out > to form patches of bulbs? > >