options for nematodes

William Aley aley_wd@me.com
Sun, 06 Nov 2011 15:58:15 PST
Mustard as a green manure is suppose to help control Nematodes
	Sow mustard seed as a green manure. When crops have been cleared broadcast mustard seed over the surface, rake it in, water it, grow it to 45 centimetres high and then dig it in. If the soil is moist, the mustard will decompose and release chemicals known as 'isothiocyanates.' This is the chemical that gives mustard its hot flavour and it's that chemical that fumigates the soil and helps control nematodes. 

From: 	J. Agoston <agoston.janos123@gmail.com>
	Subject: 	[pbs] nematodes was Edible Bulbs - Allium
	Date: 	November 6, 2011 6:42:54 PM EST
	To: 	Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
	Reply-To: 	Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
I have never seen in Holland to rotate the fields between crops. The prices
of field is so high there that they would not be able to afford it, they
cannot even buy field there, just rent it for 99 years, and relatives
cannot inherit fileds, as I know.

Most nematodes like Meloidogyne hapla and Ditilenchus dipsaci are
polyphagous. They can live on other plants as bulbs or root crops, they
also survive on weeds.
If you ever have a nematode problem you cannot eliminate it. We have
nematicids, but they are not 100% effective as methyl-bromide was, or
steaming the soil. But with those technologies, still nematodes survived in
lower soil levels. Rule of thumb is as long as a root can penetrate the
soil the nematodes will go down there. So it is a bit like the case with
I have rented a field this year, and there was nothing just weeds for 7
years, before that potato was there. Upon harvest I noticed nematodes in
the crop I sown from seed.

Just think about it, why did the dutch swithched to isolated production of
vegetables and cutflowers? They had a seroius nematode infestation in their
greenhouses, so seroius that they couldn't control it with chemicals

Sowing Tagetes is a good biological way to reduce the nematodes, but you
cannot eliminate them. You have to keep Tagetes on the field for at least 2
months, the longer the better. It is used mainly for the control of
Meloidogyne. The eggs will open if the Tagetes roots get near to them. The
invasional larvae (J2 - juveline nematodes) will enter the roots at their
tips, but this plant is not their host, so they will die within days. If
ther in nothing in the soil, the eggs wil lay there waiting for a host
plant's root for years.
There was an experiment with Globodera rostochiensis. After 8 years of
keeping the soil free from host plants my collegues still have foung viable


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