Eucomis on BX/SX

Sun, 27 Nov 2011 08:47:23 PST

I recently donated some Eucomis comosa seeds to the BX that I obtained from John Bleck, who line bred them over several generations selecting for darker rose colored flowers, and which he was calling "rosea.". I sent them off to Dell somewhat hastily, so I may have written the label as "rubra" instead of "rosea," the latter of which would be the correct moniker. That said, the short answer to your question is that I believe they are NOT the same as, nor derived from Sparkling Burgundy.  I hope this helps. Sorry for the confusion.

Gregg DeChirico
Santa Barbara, California

 From: The Silent Seed <>
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 10:13 AM
Subject: [pbs] Eucomis on BX/SX

I asked before, but didn't get a response. I "ordered" some of the Eucomis "rubra" seeds - could somebody please confirm that this is different (or not) from Sparkling Burgundy. 
I have Sparkling Burgundy, and want to make sure I list them as the same, or as different.
Thanks, Jude

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