Unusual bulb - what is it ?

Tim Chapman tim@gingerwoodnursery.com
Sat, 26 Nov 2011 09:14:18 PST
Is the margin of the leaf distinctly colored red. If there is a noticeable margin of red it might be a red/purple leaf form of Kaempferia marginata. It often is sold under the completely made up name K rosea.  ( well, there is a plant that was named that but it is now a completely different genus).   If you google image search K marginata or the more common K galanga you can see many foliage shots to compare.  There also Kaempferia photos on the PBS wiki    K galanga is really just a form of K marginata, only differing in not having the red margin.  DNA work has proven this but the transfer isn't official yet. 

Tim Chapman

On Nov 26, 2011, at 10:45 AM, The Silent Seed <santoury@aol.com> wrote:

> On my trip South, I picked up a very unusual (bulb?) It looks like a massonia or something, but the leaves are the size of small plates, laid flat along the ground, two of them. They are darkish burgundy shaded green. It was being grown in shade, so it cannot be sun-induced coloration. Fleshy, of course, but not coarse - smooth. Ideas ? 
> Jude
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