Labelling seeds Was: sowing Moraea seeds

Erin Grace
Sun, 27 Nov 2011 13:28:00 PST
I am in the process of going through my outdoor pots of Zephyranthes,
Habranthus, Rhodophiala, Crinum, Lycoris, etc before winter actually sets

The culprits in my garden are squirrels, jays, wrens, a neighbor's dog (he
thankfully grew out of that stage), toads (they bury themselves and push
out the labels) and fire ants.  Added to that are the extreme fluctuations
of temperature and our unrelenting summer sun.

So now I have
viable plants with newly rewritten tags
viable plants with "? Z or H no tag"  which means that either the tag was
moved, lost, broke in half from weather, the ink faded, or the tag faded.

and a little purgatory of probably dead but not forgotten plants (mostly
from seed before I got more proficient) awaiting a final decision.

I also have a lot of tags which were mysteriously strewn about that I may
never reunite with their rightful owners.

Up until this year I carefully recorded everything in Excel and still have
the emails and paper records to update my collection.  A numbering system
definitely sounds like a better system than writing and rewriting
information on tags.  I am also considering engravable tags for plants that
I know will stay and probably burying those or affixing them to the pots.
I can't even imagine what the crows and jays would think of all those fun
shiny tags put out for their entertainment and amusement!

Erin Grace, Thomasville, Georgia, USA
hardiness zone 8b, AHS heat zone 9

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