Hi Everyone Crinum Identification Please ??? I have a few things to identify, but heading off for a few weeks holiday. I have two similar species from 1880, the other one has a much longer flower spike towering above plant & a more tubular smaller flower. It is more feminine than this one by far. So I'll start with this treasure the more robust of the two..... I bought this crinum from a sweet old lady, it was imported into Australia in 1880, it was grown in the 40 acre Nana Kays bulb collection. Although it is said to be pre hybridisation, i know hybridisation of crinums started in Africa, well before 1880 & i have had zero success producing seeds or hybrids so far from this species, but every year i try to cross it with Brisbanicum, an impossible cross i think, but no harm in trying. They are both in flower now & complement each other beautifully. I love the pure grey pollen..... but wonder if its any indication of being sterile ? There is 5 consecutive photos of this flower in all stages of development so please have a close look & one of the plant, but it is a bigger photo so don't bother looking if its too slow. http://flickr.com/photos/67167299@N04/…