Dwarf/Mini Crinum

Paul T. ptyerman@ozemail.com.au
Sat, 26 Nov 2011 21:23:24 PST

>         A couple years ago (July '09) I posted about Crinum
>oliganthum a dwarf Crinum that grows to blooming size in 4- 5 in pot.
>This was new to me at the time.  Now a friend in Thailand sent me a
>picture of a dwarf Crinum blooming in a 6 in pot and it looks very
>similar, but are there other dwarf - mini Crinums that can thrive in
>a 5 or 6 in pot. ??


I would imagine that Crinum uniflorum should 
feasibly grow in small pots, it being a somewhat 
smaller species than the majority of the 
genus.  It isn't one I grow, although I would 
love to.  I've never seen it available 
unfortunately.  The only reason I think it would 
be suitable is due to it's miniature stature, but 
I don't know whether it's roots require more room 
than a pot of that size would provide?  I thought 
I'd mention it anyway.  Always nice to mention Aussie bulbs here. <grin>


Paul T.
Canberra, Australia - USDA Zone Equivalent approx. 8/9
Min winter temp -8 or -9°C. Max summer temp 40°C. 
Thankfully, maybe once or twice a year only.

Growing an eclectic collection of plants from all 
over the world including Aroids, Crocus, 
Cyclamen, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Galanthus, 
Irises, Liliums, Trilliums (to name but a few) 
and just about anything else that doesn't move!! 

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