back issues of the Bulb Garden

Kathleen Sayce
Tue, 29 Nov 2011 09:58:04 PST
Just curious: Has anyone scanned the back issues of the Bulb Garden? Are there plans to make these issues available to the larger membership?

As we are now at Volume 10, it would be nice for more recent members to see some of the original issues; all ten years would fit on one CD. Contact me privately if the PBS governing group (bulb leadership structure?, hmm, sounds like a growing shoot) is interested in this. 

I scanned almost 40 years of back issues for an iris society, which now has all those years of its journal on a CD. It's a great resource for irisarians, and I imagine that TBG back issues will also be a good resource. 

PNW, zone 8, mild wet winters, cool dry summers

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