Greetings, I agree with Randy about the ill-fit of bulbous plants for this use. I have certainly seen wet-loving iris grow immensely in one season - certainly enough to act as a sink for grey water impurities. The problem is the seasonality of most bulbs' (corms etc) growth: when the iris die back in winter their ability to clean grey water would be negligible... Crinum could be better since they can be evergreen but a grey water system would seem to require plants that are vigorous enough to be invasive and I don't think even evergreen Crinum could keep-up with the needs of a grey water system... -|<ipp > Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 21:34:05 -0800 > From: > To: > Subject: Re: [pbs] Good grey water filtering plants > > I'm not sure that bulbous plants are the greatest for filtering the water. > Do you know what her goal for the use of this water is?