sowing Moraea seeds

Peter Taggart
Sat, 26 Nov 2011 00:53:53 PST
I find the Wiki invaluable, however so often obvious information is left
out, such as the winter minimum temperature of a location.
Often I look up plants on the Wiki and great! I see what it looks like and
a snapshot of its habitat - and that it flowers in March. One picture might
be from California and the other from South Africa. What part of the world
is the March flowering in???
I then have to research its native location to find out if and when it has
a wet/ dry season or recieves frost. This has helped me  understand
different climates, which I am glad of, but is very time consuming when I
am trying to get some seeds sown and have a busy day.
A note in the listing of each species, of known seasonal  maximum and
minimum temperatures  and wet dry periods, (not just the month), or a US
designated climate zone, would be very helpfull.
Peter (UK)

On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 12:41 AM, Ina Crossley <> wrote:

> And yes, I looked at the Wiki and apart from thinking, right it grows in
> such and such a place, I don't know my geography all that minutely, so
> it often is no help.  Nor am I likely to travel to places like that.

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