Edible Bulbs - Allium

Richard Haard richrd@nas.com
Sat, 05 Nov 2011 09:51:59 PDT
This is a link from a Netherlands Flower Bulb grower, apparently
' Nowadays all planting is done mechanically, using a 'fresh' field for every crop. By this crop-rotation we minimize the risk of diseases'


I would like to learn more about crop rotation protocols, what crops follow and how many years between bulb crops. In a garden situation, or a small field how much 'space ' is needed separating crops, or are there trap crops to use as cover cropping for nematode, virus and root rot diseases.

Rich H
On Nov 5, 2011, at 9:29 AM, Randall P. Linke wrote:

> California's central coast.  Gilroy, CA, about ten miles north of me, calls
> itself the "Garlic Capital of the World".  They have a big garlic festival
> every year, but very little is grown there now.  The area also used to be a
> huge producer of cut flowers but that is all gone now too.

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