Congratulations! A New PBS Record! (off topic)

Roy Herold
Sat, 26 Nov 2011 14:22:48 PST
In the 24 hours since Jim's rant about spelling, there have been ~140
posts to the PBS list.

Congratulations one and all for setting what must be a new one-day
record! The best part is that the record probably would have been
broken even without the (sort-of) off-topic posts.

Aside from spelling, we've learned about dinosaurs, mammals, canaria,
agapanthus, afrikaans (great YouTube link), adpression, hemerocallis
(NOT!), hymenocallis (YES!), kaempferia, real moraeas, calostemmas,
pergolas, billabongs, labels, fall, autumn, real moreas, polianthes,
and lots of other goodies, all without scaring away a New Member. We

Heck, this was a lot better than going shopping on Black Friday
(non-US readers should Google this term if puzzled).

Nhu has his work cut out for him as president if he ever hopes to
generate as much excitement as Jim just did. (Out with the old, in
with the Nhu!)

Geophytically speaking, we divided and put away the dahlia tubers
today, pollinated a bunch of massonias and daubenyas and polyxenas,
admired the all the buds on the narcissus, planted some nerine seeds,
found a Clivia caulescens under the bench that was in full bloom, put
the begonia tubers into storage (sorry Uli, no roots on the stems),
and had a fine time in the garden on a delightfully warm and sunny
fall day.

NW of Boston

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