Matt, It's difficult to tell from your photo, but I'm guessing your plant is Daubenya stylosa. It is the another yellow daubenya, and from what I have heard most of the D capensis seed distributed by Silverhill in recent years is really D stylosa. You might want to check for fragrance on your flower on a warm day--if it smells sweet like honey, it is probably D stylosa, like yeast, probably D capensis. It is definitely NOT a lachenalia, IMHO. That said, you might ask what growing conditions for Daubenyas will ensure fully adpressed leaves? My own moderately mature bulbs of Daubenya stylosa, marginata, alba, comata, zeyheri, et al, all have leaves that are raised from the surface of the soil by 10 to 80 degrees (guessing). Polyxenas have the same behavior, but I'm not clear on how they behave in the wild. The Massonias are much easier to grow 'in character' with the leaves flat on the surface of the soil. Just guessing, I wonder if the temperature of the soil surface might come into play. If the soil stays too warm, as might happen in a pot in a greenhouse, the leaves might be reluctant to come in contact with it. Outdoors, where the soil cools off much faster during the night, may induce the leaves to adpress. Many of these Daubenyas come from the colder areas of South Africa, where nightly frosts in winter are the norm. I try to leave all of my Daubenyas and Massonias outdoors until the first heavy frost here, and that really helps to put the leaves down where they belong. I brought mine in just before our October snowstorm, but that was probably a bit too early given the continuing warm temps here. Light matters too, but probably to a secondary degree. Your leaves don't look etiolated, just juvenile. My own greenhouse gets much, much less light than yours, yet the Daubenyas behave more or less the same. All very mysterious. --Roy NW of Boston