terrestrial orchids

Dennis Kramb dkramb@badbear.com
Sat, 12 Nov 2011 04:43:39 PST
I am growing Calopogon tuberosus, Sprianthes cernua Chadds Ford, and
Ophiopogon glossoides outside in my carnivorous plant bed. Inside I'm
growing Epidendrum radicans and Ludisia discolor.  And you're right, many
terrestrial orchids are geophytes!

Last week I found a Spiranthes blooming in my prairie bed.  It's probably
cernua but I'm baffled how & why it's growing *there*. Needless to say I
was over the moon with its lemony-vanilla-y scent.  :-)

Dennis in Cincinnati
On Nov 12, 2011 4:11 AM, "Glen Ladnier" <gladnier@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I should introduce myself.  I am Glen Ladnier, from Biloxi, MS.  Haven't
> been here long, but wanted to communicate with some of the members of this
> discussion group.  I grow orchid terrestrials, and was wondering if there
> are some among the group who participate in orchid growing.  These plants
> vary according to genera, but most have some type of underground tubers,
> tuberous rhizomes, tuberous roots, etc.  They are generally pretty easy to
> grow, and reproduce, although some have culture which can be a little
> tricky.  I am always looking for sources of orchid terrestrials, and should
> shortly be able to trade seed or tubers of my somewhat diverse collection.
>   I would love to discuss culture with the membership, and look forward to
> discovering new jewels to add to my collection.
> Glen
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