sending bulbs to Australia

Fri, 18 Nov 2011 21:55:23 PST
Hi Anne, I apologies if I repeat any body , i haven't got time to check through right now ...

Undeclared bulbs, are strictly controlled & the penalties are serious !

To import
Step 1, check AQUIS ICON import data base. It will tell you all regulations for allowed species. If bulbs or seeds are not on a list, they are either prohibited or need a special import permet for protected species "Worlslea" is prohibited unless this permit is acquired prior to purchas, 

Step 2, you purchase an import permit which is depending on which catogary but is usually around $80 

Step 3, you will then need to arrange quarantine.....  This is the expensive bit......I got a price recently & it is normally about 3 months required......
It was $300/ square meter per day or week, I can't remember & you can only purchase a minimum of half a square meter, this dosent hold many plants, but you can work out the logistics, for a particular size pot for example..........
If it survives it's yours, if it's diseased it's destroyed.

My advise is only do it if you can't get a rare species here........if u don't follow the instructions, your bulbs are likely to be ceased by quarantine postal control centre & destroyed by quarantine officers after they contact you.........

Worlsleya price is pretty high, is it flowering size ?

Please contact me if u need to understand the AQUIS icon data base
But just type in botanical name & it will show u all allowed in that species.

Steven Hart
Queensland Australia

Sent from my iPhone

On 18/11/2011, at 11:14 PM, "Ann Shubin" <> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I am new to this.
> It is a very hot and warm day 37 in Adelaide, South Australia. This is our spring time and all of the bulbs are in bloom. It simply is beautiful.
> I am also a Hippeastrum lover. I would like to know can bulbs be sent to Australia without causing a lot of problems with Customs.
> I have gone to the PBS web site and there is a yellow one and many others I would like to get.
> I am not aware of any one in Australia that has a yellow Hippeastrum.
> I recently paid $140.00 for a Worley and I was told by many that was way to much.
> I would love to have some in put into getting bulbs into Australia.
> Thank Ann F. Shubin
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