We've continued to have some lovely sunny weather after early rains and as a result my fall blooming bulbs have been really happy. That is supposed to change tomorrow however so today I took inventory. Some of these are new bloomers and some still blooming: Crocus asumaniae, C. ochroleucus, C. goulimyi, C. niveus, C. serotinus, C. cartwrightianus Cyclaman hederifolium, C. cilicum, C. coum, C. intaminatum Delphinium nudicaule, but most are just coming up Haemanthus albiflos - just starting Moraea polystachya - still going Narcissus cantabricus Nerine masoniorum, Nerine humilis (in ground), Nerine bowdenii, Nerine flexuosa x N. undulata Most years I can't get Nerine bowdenii to bloom. I've tried it from others who say theirs bloom well. I've grown it from seed. Occasionally it has bloomed. In the ground it disappears. In pots it soon gets pot bound. So in June when one pot went dormant early I decided, that's it and unpotted it and sent the bulbs to the BX. At the very last moment however I kept out some of the really large bulbs and potted them up in a 11 inch pot. This is one reason why I'm having such a hard time downsizing. I give things a last minute reprieve. Every now and then this summer I'd give that empty pot some water. Nothing much happened and I hoped the bulbs I sent to the BX were o.k. In August some healthy looking leaves appeared and three of them are now blooming. They must be totally confused about when they are supposed to grow. I've just unpotted another non blooming pot of Nerine bowdenii. There were more than 50 in an eight inch pot. Most of them are in the mail to Dell, but I did plant out a couple in the ground to try once more. At least I got rid of one pot that way. Oxalis- Last fall was a particularly bad year for my Oxalis. We had a really cool summer with many foggy days and I didn't have many bloom and then not for long. This year is a real contrast. Oxalis bowiei didn't even break dormancy last year. This year it started blooming in September and is still going strong. Still or newly blooming: Oxalis luteola (several forms except for the spotted leafed one that never divides- the birds chose it for a snack and ate all the leaves and buds), Oxalis purpurea (several forms), Oxalis hirta (several forms), Oxalis flava (several forms), Oxalis caprina, O. commutata, (blooming since August) O. bowiei, Oxalis hirta, O. fabaefolia, O. gracilis, O. massoniana, O. peridicaria, Oxalis zeekoevleyensis, and inside something that blooms most of the year if I keep it watered, O. triangularis Pelargonium echinatum Polyxena longituba Romulea halli Spiranthes odorata Mary Sue Mary Sue Ittner California's North Coast Wet mild winters with occasional frost Dry mild summers