Pacific Bulb Society BX 295

Randall P. Linke
Fri, 11 Nov 2011 13:51:25 PST
One of the reasons I had not signed on to the mailing list for so long,
despite Mary Sue's prodding, was I knew I would have to join the paid group
once I started seeing the exchange lists.


On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 1:31 PM, Dennis Kramb <> wrote:

> Here's is some supplemental information for my BX 295 donations.
> I'm thrilled to be able to offer some new things to the BX.
> Dennis in Cincy
> -------
> The first three selections are geophytic insectivorous plants native
> to S.E. USA (or hybrids derived from native species).  They require
> full sun, constant moisture, and nutrient deficient media.  Seeds tend
> to be hydrophobic.  So sow them in sphagnum moss, or direct sow into
> your carnivorous plant bog bed.  Sarracenia are extremely cold hardy,
> typically down to Z4.  Sarracenia growth habit is strikingly similar
> to Irises.  They're rhizomatous and clump-forming.  If you're familiar
> with Irises, you'll easily be able to understand Sarracenia.
> Sarracenia 'Red Rocket' - Open pollinated, growing near S. leucophylla
> and S. flava var. rugellii.  'Red Rocket' is a cross between S. flava
> x S. purpurea.
> Sarracenia leucophylla (var. green) - Open pollinated, growing near S.
> flava var. rugellii and S. 'Red Rocket'.  This pitcher plant has no
> red pigment in it.
> Dionaea musiculpa.  The famous Venus Flytrap!  I collected the seeds
> too late and most had already dehisced.  There are less than 10 seeds
> on offer here.  These are marginally hardy for me (Z5/Z6).  They grow
> in my bog bed year round, outdoors, and will survive with adequate
> snow cover (or mild enough winter).  They MUST have a cold winter
> dormancy (but not too cold) so people in Z9 or warmer may find them
> challenging in the long run.
> Iris fulva.  Hand pollinated, this is the typical red form.  There are
> only about 15 seeds on offer here.  I hand pollinated lots of flowers
> but had a lousy harvest.  Very disappointing!
> Canna flaccida.  Ex. PBS-BX # 258.  There are only 13 seeds on offer
> here.  I planted several seeds in mid-winter, indoors, under lights.
> Then moved them outside in late spring.  One plant bloomed & set seed.
> These are them.
> Sinningia cardinalis.  Distant relative to the African violet.  Seeds
> are dust-like.  Plants mature quickly and will bloom within 6 to 12
> months after sowing.  This species is geophytic and will form a large
> tuber with age.  Flowers are spectacular!  This is the typical red
> form.  I grow it indoors as a house-plant, year round.
> Passiflora lutea.  Ex. Northern Georgia, but fully cold hardy in Z5/Z6
> Ohio.  Flowers are less than an inch across!  Not your typical
> passionflower.  Vines grow 3 to 10 feet with no suckering.  VERY well
> behaved compared to P. incarnata.  (Not a geophyte.)
> Passiflora incarnata.  Ex. Southern Ohio.  Probably cold hardy to Z4.
> Flowers about 5 inches across with filaments squigglier than typical
> P. incarnata.  Fruits are savory with a lemony-limey flavor.  VERY
> badly behaved, suckers vigorously.  Vines grow to 20 feet or more.
> Extremely floriferous.  (Not a geophyte.)  This is a thug.
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