Regelia and Regeliocyclus irises

Dennis Kramb
Mon, 28 Nov 2011 19:47:06 PST
I grew regelias successfully here in Ohio, but not regeliocyclus.  My
favorites were the species like I. korolkowii and I. stolonifera.  My first
year I planted them like a normal bearded iris.  They survived the winter
fine, but not the spring.  As soon as the weather warmed, they broke
dormancy and started growing.  Then we had another hard cold snap and they
all got killed.  I learned quickly that the "see-saw" freeze-thaw cycles we
have here in spring are deadly to them.  They want to bloom much earlier
than the tall bearded irises.  Late March & early April was typical for
them.  The solution was pretty easy though, I just buried them a couple
inches down.  This insulates them, keeps them cold, and mitigates the
freeze-thaw effect enough that they don't awaken too soon.  Of course there
could still be a hard freeze during their bloom period, so I learned over
the years that they weren't the best plants for me to grow in large

Your story sounds vaguely familiar, that they are wanting to actively grow
when you know they should be dormant.  I'm not sure how to advise you.  For
me summer moisture was far less a problem than warm spells in February &
March.  They did best when planted on a small steep hill near some mature
pine trees.  They stayed dry enough in summer, and being buried deep they
stayed cold enough in spring.

Aphids were always a nuisance for me too, but never so severe that I
sprayed for them.  So I can't really advise you there either.

I know my response isn't filled with useful information... but I waited a
few days hoping others would reply.  I only saw one that did.  So I guess I
make #2.

Dennis in Cincinnati

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