What is blooming 13th November 2011

Ina Crossley klazina1@gmail.com
Sun, 13 Nov 2011 00:34:20 PST
This is a good record for myself as to what is blooming when.

Several unnamed Hippeastrums are flowering.  Also
Hippeastrum Ragtime
Hippeastrum Lady Jane
Zephyranthes Drummondii.
         These just keep on flowering, the first year of being in full 
Zephyranthes Smallii, again it just flowers and flowers
Cyrtanthus Venus.
         (I have been trying to cross it with the Zephyranthes as they 
flower and have pollen, none of them worked.  Then tried what is 
possibly the Hippeastrum Lion Red, and it may have worked, will know 
more in a few days.)
Zephyranthes Lindleyana
Zephyranthes Verecunda
         (which will just flower and flower.)

Ina Crossley
Auckland New Zealand

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