Agapanthus africanus ssp. walshii

Kirby Fong
Sat, 26 Nov 2011 14:34:06 PST
On Nov 26, 2011, at 7:12 AM, John Grimshaw wrote:

> I am curious to know how widely cultivated this plant is in the USA. It's 
> very rare in British collections (and not at all common in the wild, so it 
> is a plant we should make every effort to maintain in cultivation). Also, 
> does it go dormant/stop growing in the Californian summer?

I was waiting to see if Harold Koopowitz would answer this question; however,
I'll give a particular answer.  I bought three of these at a University of California at
Irvine arboretum plant sale years ago when Harold was the arboretum director.
One has survived.  It is located about 10 feet east of the trunk of a camphor
tree and within the drip line.  It has formed a small clump with three or four
flowering scapes each summer.  In my climate, it is green year round.  This is
a Mediterranean climate where it rains in the winter.  I water it in the summer.
This is U.S.D.A. hardiness zone 9, specifically 37°40´18.95˝N 121°47´14.60˝W
at elevation 458 feet.  This is in northern California.  Since UCI is in southern
California, I would imagine most of the Agapanthus africanus ssp. walshii
from their plant sales are in southern California, in or near Orange County.

     Kirby Fong
     Livermore, California

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