Arum creticum

Jane McGary
Tue, 22 Nov 2011 12:03:12 PST
I have the FCC form, purchased from a nursery in England. The Dutch 
grower Wim de Goede saw it when he visited me once and said he had a 
better form, which he subsequently sent me. His form has darker 
yellow spathes, but I can't recall just now the color of the stems. I 
don't know whether either plant is widely stoloniferous, because I 
had them in big pots, but they are now loose in a raised bed, so I'll 
soon find out. When I saw this species in Crete, I was surprised at 
how tall the flower stems were -- at least 75 cm, coming out among 
rocks in a river gorge. I may be sorry to have turned it loose.

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA

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