Hi, In Coastal Northern California the Oxalis, Cyclamen, Nerine, and Crocus continue to bloom. Crocus niveus has been especially nice. And the pink form of Oxalis flava is now blooming. New bloomers this week are: Freesia fucata Iris unguicularis Lachenalia rubida Nothoscordum montevidense Polyxena maughanii syn. Lachenalia maughanii Griffinia aracensis has surprised me with another new spike on what looks like the same bulb that now has a spike in seed and I saw another flower on Romulea macowanii this week. That's a very long bloom time for this plant with its yellow flowers that bloom almost on top of the soil. I also spy a touch of white in the middle of the leaves of Haemanthus deformis so it will be in bloom soon. Mary Sue Mary Sue Ittner California's North Coast Wet mild winters with occasional frost Dry mild summers