Couple Hippeastrum questions

Ina Crossley
Thu, 03 Nov 2011 14:01:59 PDT
Thanks Hans.  So the Hippeastrum I bought which I have growing in the 
garden, which was unnamed, is the Red Lion as I thought.  It is a 
gorgeous deep velvety red.

Ina Crossley

Auckland New Zealand

On 4/11/2011 9:29 a.m., Hans-Werner Hammen wrote:
>   But then the buds become all-the-darker, and the ovary becomes BLACKISH-green. 2 scapes with 4 florets from a mature bulb SELDOM 3 scapes and SELDOM 5 florets per umbel. Leaves rather long and thin, with brownish pigmentation under better light condition.

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